The issues

Public Safety

I am endorsed by the El Cajon Police Officers Association and the El Cajon Professional Fire Fighters Association. This is because the men and women who provide safe streets for all of us know that I have always been supportive and protective of them and what they do. We did not defund the police, we increased their budget and their staff.


Unlike most cities in our county, we do not allow camping on the streets. To be sure, encampments will pop up, but we take them down.  We have a two-prong approach to homelessness: Lots of treatment options and lots of enforcement. I do not believe that allowing people to rot on the streets, engulfed in substance abuse and suffering from severe mental illness, is a kind or compassionate way for our society to behave.

Government Overreach

During the Pandemic I stood up and pushed back against damaging and nonsensical shutdowns, masking regulations and the needless destruction of businesses. Our employees were not fired for exercising their constitutional rights to not be forced to take a medication against their will. In fact we hired several officers from neighboring jurisdictions that did force them out of their jobs for not having been vaccinated. We told our police department to treat COVID related infractions as their lowest priority.    

Fiscal Health

In an era when so many cities are floundering and even declaring bankruptcy, El Cajon has a balanced budget and a $53 Million reserve.